Monday, September 1, 2008

What Country is This?

Day 173
I was slow in getting my act together. I don´t know why, it just seemed to take forever this morning. Maybe the long line for the shower was to blame.

I then spent a bit of time reading before grabbing lunch and heading to the train station. The plan was to go to Helsingor. This is in Sweden, but I didn´t actually know this until a few days later.

The plan was to meet up with Christine who I had met in Siracusa. I was a bit confused though and I thought that the train took 20 minutes to get there, but it actually left every 20 minutes. Because of this I ended up getting there a little too late. I tried to find an internet cafe to apologize but couldn´t. In the end I walked over to the castle and took some pictures. I decided to not go in this one. It was really expensive and didn´t look any different from others I´ve seen.

By the time I got back to Copenhagen it was definitely time for dinner. I tried to talk to some people at the hostel, but they were all hopeless. I just ended up going to bed.

Later on I found out that Christine had actually been even later than I was. We both just thought the other had left by the time we go there. Even though it sounds like I didn´t do much Helsingor is a really pretty town and wandering around was fun. It was only that the train rides were rather on the time consuming side.

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