Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Glub Glub

Day 253
I slept for a really long time. I guess that I needed it. The room was also super quiet, so that helped. When Christine and I both woke up we headed to a local place for lunch or breakfast, whatever. We ended up chatting for quite a long time. It is so nice to meet someone through something like couchsurfing and hit it off so well.

When I did get to the downtown area I had a few definite places that I wanted to visit. The first stop was St. Michaels Church. I wanted to see the crypts that were closed on my last visit to Vienna. Big surprise, they were closed again this time. I then wandered a bit and decided to go and check out the Holy Grail. I think this would make number 3 for the trip. When I got to the entrance I realized that it was a museum that I had already visited. I had really thought that I had quite a lot of Vienna left to do, I guess I was wrong. I ended up just wandering for some time. When it was a bit darker I did pop into St. Stephens Church. The lighting is reliant on the sun and as it had set for the day the place was very dark and really rather spooky.

After grabbing some food I headed back to Christine's place. She was just finishing up some repairs on her kitchen with a friend. It wasn't long before the three of us headed out to watch a salsa class. As I have no talent I didn't join in. After stopping by a wine bar we found a place that served American food quite by accident. We had thought it was an English pub. The table next to us was full of American students. They were so loud that we couldn't speak to one another. People really need to keep their voices down.

On the way back to the flat Catherine told me a story about a butcher with a poisoned well. He gave men the incentive to figure out the problem by offering his daughter. His apprentice watched as several men died trying to fix the problem. Eventually he spoke up and fixed it himself. He had been in love with the butchers daughter for some time and would have done anything to gain her favor.

Back at the apartment we watched a youtube cartoon called Charlie the Unicorn. Watch it, it's funny. It's the only way you would get the title anyway.

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