Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chuga Chuga

Day 413
After packing my things I headed out for breakfast. I also spent some time writing. I didn't have a whole lot of time though, I had a 1:30 pm train to catch. On the way back to my hotel I picked up a nifty bag for 50 cents to help me hold my souvenirs and gifts for others.

An hour before my train was due to depart I headed to the station. I hadn't been able to get my sleeper of choice and was chucking it in with the $3 a night people. I did have a top birth though. There just wasn't a later to get up there and it took some acrobatics and laughing from the people watching me to get up there.

There were five men in my compartment and one of them offered to switch beds with me. I said no thanks. The upper berth is to keep me out of groping range, plus, I can easily lock all of my bags to the bed. I spent a few hours with my new Mongolian and Chinese guide books before I fell asleep for almost the entire ride.

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